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周年慶Editorial Reviews

About the Author

Robert Bruce Thompson is a coauthor of Building the Perfect PC, Astronomy Hacks, and the Illustrated Guide to

Astronomical Wonders. Thompson built his first computer in 1976 from discrete chips. It had 256 bytes of memory, used toggle switches

and LEDs for I/O, ran at less than 1MHz, and had no operating system. Since then, he has bought, built, upgraded,

and repaired hundreds of PCs for himself, employers, customers, friends, and clients. Robert spends most clear,

開箱moonless nights outdoors with his 10-inch Dobsonian reflector telescope, and is

currently designing a larger, computerized, truss-tube Dobsonian that he plans to build.

Barbara Fritchman Thompson is a coauthor of Building the Perfect PC, PC Hardware Buyer's Guide,

Astronomy Hacks, and PC Hardware in a Nutshell. Barbara worked for 20 years as a librarian before

starting her own home-based consulting practice, Research Solutions, and is also a researcher for the law firm Womble,

Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, PLLC. Barbara is an avid amateur astronomer.


Product Details

Paperback: 368 pages

Publisher: O'Reilly Media; Third Edition edition (December 1, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1449388248

ISBN-13: 978-1449388249

Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 8.1 x 0.6 inches






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